
Developed for efficiency, sustainability, economy and high demands of quality. This machine can handle a smaller or larger business needs with perfect result!

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CCP-20 Megadrum

Our latest product built for large scale production post-processing with ability to handle bigger 3D-printed parts or larger batches of parts.

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Discover UNPIT, our innovative, world-unique automated post-processing machine designed for efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings.

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Discover our products for post-processing. We have developed our own media and also provide with our partners.


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What do our customers say?


“For high-volume orders with small parts, I can load hundreds of elements into the drum, and it takes care of the job efficiently.”

Łukasz Kuban, the Head of Additive Manufacturing Spes3D


“Just looking at work hours, it basically does one man’s full day job in less than 1.5 hours. Not only is this a huge saving, we can now also deliver parts one day quicker than before.”

Tony Puronranta, Production Manager RP-Case